So You Are About To Be A Teenager
Approaching the teenage years is frightening for parents and kids. The changing landscape of our society brings new safety issues, health concerns, and emotional factors that threaten the well-being of all teens. As parents, Dennis and Barbara Rainey have lived and relived those challenging years. And as a teacher of a sixth-grade Sunday school class for over eleven years, Dennis helped hundreds of preteens prepare for adolescence – including his own six children.Samuel and Rebecca Rainey, preteens themselves not many years ago, add their perspective as young adults who vividly recall their own successes and failures as teenagers. Covering such topics as friends, peer pressure, boundaries, dating, and sex, the Raineys address the most common traps of adolescence and teach young people how to avoid making poor choices. Short, concise chapters are filled with engaging illustrations and practical applications. This book is essential reading for preteens and an ideal resource for parents and youth workers.
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